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Child Registration

​Attention Parent/Guardian


CEF does not provide transportation to the Good News Club location. Parents must arrange transportation to the GNC location, and must pick up each child promptly at GNC end time. Our policies do not allow GNC teachers or helpers to remain after club. If your child is not picked up immediately after club three times throughout the school year, he/she will not be allowed to continue attending. Thank you for understanding.

The United States Constitution requires schools to respect the right of all external organizations to distribute flyers to students at school if the school permits any such organization to distribute flyers. Accordingly, the school cannot discriminate among groups wishing to distribute flyers at school and does not endorse the content of any flyer distributed at school. The school encourages parents to assist their children in making choices appropriate for them.

This is not an activity of the school or the school district.


is allowed to attend the Good News Club at

after school on every

I understand there will be no clubs on half days and school holidays. Clubs will run concurrent with the school calendar. I understand it is my responsibility to pick up my child immediately after Club ends and failure to do so will jeopardize my child’s continued participation.

By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this form. You are agreeing that you have read and understand the statements listed above.

Is either parent in the military?

Permission for Pick Up


In addition to those listed above, the following people are allowed to pick up my child:

Optional Photography and Video Release


Child Evangelism Fellowship® may, from time to time, document the activities of the ministry with photos or videos.
I hereby assign and grant to Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc., its subsidiaries and successors, and assign the unqualified right to the ownership, use and proceeds of all photographs or video of me or my minor child, without reservation or limitation, including use of photographs or video of me or my minor child for, but not limited to, advertising, educational and promotional purposes.

© 2018-23 by Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. The logos on this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of

Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.  

*$96 brings the GOOD NEWS CLUB to one child for a school year. 
*$2400 supports an entire GOOD NEWS CLUB for a school year. 
*No contribution is too small. 
*We appreciate and God uses all sizes of gifts. 
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