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The Good News Club is our primary ministry to children. It is a voluntary after-school Bible club that meets one day per week either on school campuses or in other after-school facilities. Trained adult volunteers present an exciting story from the Bible, songs, Scripture memory, and review games or other activities focused on the lesson's theme. We serve snacks during Club each week and spend quality time in small groups forming relationships. The Club is absolutely FREE to all students.





Who teaches a Good News Club?


Specially trained Christian adults, who are concerned for the spiritual well-being of your child teach the club and are screened according to our Child Protection Policy. All volunteers participate in mandatory annual training. Volunteers are asked to agree to abide by the policies of CEF® at all times.




Can we really have Bible Clubs in public schools?


Yes. Our weekly after school club is treated as any other after school club. The 2001 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Good News Clubs vs. Milford Central School, ruled that Good News Clubs can meet in public schools after school hours on the same terms as other community groups. CEF® respects the parent’s right to decide if their child should attend. Therefore, signed parental permission is required.




What ages attend the Good News Club?


Elementary school age children enjoy the Good News Club. Children may attend the Club only with parent or guardian’s written permission.




How much does it cost to attend the Good News Club?


The Club is free to students and parents.




Why is the Good News Club good for children?


Adult leaders form friendships which make a difference in the lives of the children. Each week an exciting lesson is presented from God’s Word using visuals, skits, high energy review games, awesome music and snacks. Children learn respect for authority, moral values, character qualities and how to apply Biblical principles to school relationships.


Even though the Supreme Court gives approval, a solid working relationship with the school system is of great importance.


School Principals say: “the Club has been a successful part in our curbing bullying and classroom disrespect from children”, “reading practice, mentoring and positive role models”, “kids and parents love it, and the teachers are the absolute best! They are a JOY to have on campus.”


© 2018-23 by Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. The logos on this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of

Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.  

*$96 brings the GOOD NEWS CLUB to one child for a school year. 
*$2400 supports an entire GOOD NEWS CLUB for a school year. 
*No contribution is too small. 
*We appreciate and God uses all sizes of gifts. 
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